The BTG Podcast

122/Quantum Frontiers: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Infinite Field of Potential

Jennifer Febel of Live Life Unbroken & BTG Wellness Season 2024 Episode 122

Greetings, beautiful soul! 🌟 

Welcome to the heart-centered haven of the BTG Podcast, where I, your guide Jen Febel invite you to embark on a transformative journey from your head to your heart.

🌼 In this episode, we peel away reality's facade, revealing how our deepest understanding of quantum mechanics mirrors the uncharted territories of our own potential. Our discussion spirals into the realm of manifestation, where the energy of emotions plays a pivotal role.  Join me for an episode that promises to expand your mind and elevate your spirit.

​“BTG” stands for “Bridge The Gap” and it is inspired by my own healing journey. 

​After receiving seven different mental health diagnoses by the age of 19, I quickly realized that there was a massive gap between what I believed and understood in my head and what I truly felt in my heart. And no matter how many experts I sought out, I couldn't seem to bridge that gap - until I found the tools and information that I share in my one-on-one private coaching sessions, trainings and right here on this podcast.  

My goal is to help you begin to bridge that gap by bringing you different topics related to mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

You are invited to join us in Circle

Each episode of The BTG Ppodcast is recorded LIVE during my virutal Healing Circles. These free virtual gatherings that take place twice a month. Each Circle we begin with a beautiful candle meditation followed by a deep dive into a diverse discussion on mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  We then embark on a journey with a sacred circle casting, grounding meditation and energetic shielding, breath-focused practice,  and ending with a soul-inspiring gratitude meditation.

If real-time connection calls to you, explore more at and join my free Circle membership.


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Warmest regards,
Jen ✨ 

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Each BTGPpodcast episode is recorded LIVE during my virtual Healing Circles. If real-time connection calls to you, you are invited to join my free Circle membership. Visit and register for Zoom access.

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Jen Febel:

Hello and welcome to the BTG Podcast. I am your host Jen Febel of BTG, wellness and LiveLifeUnbrokencom. Btg stands for Bridge the Gap and it's inspired by my own healing journey. After receiving seven different mental health diagnoses by the age of 19, I quickly realized that there is a massive gap between what I believed and understood in my head and what I truly felt in my heart, and no matter how many therapists I went to, I couldn't seem to bridge that gap until I found the tools and information that I share in my one-on-one private sessions, trainings and right here on this podcast. My goal is to help you begin to bridge that gap by bringing you different topics related to mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and, in case you didn't know, this podcast is recorded live during my bi-monthly virtual healing circles. These are virtual gatherings that are 100% free and no RSVP is required, so you're welcome to come whenever you can and stay as long as you want. Each circle, we open the space with a candle meditation, after which I will share with you my favorite grounding practices and lead you through a circle casting guided meditation and breath work, followed by a soul-inspiring gratitude practice. If you are interested in learning more about how you can continue your journey and experience my virtual healing circles in real time. Please visit wwwbtgwellnesscom slash circle and join my free circle membership If you like what you hear in today's episode. Please also remember to leave a review and share the love by sharing this episode with your friends, family and social network and, as always, if you have any questions about anything at any time, please feel free to reach out to me through either of my websites, either wwwbtgwellnesscom or by coaching website, livelifeunbrokencom, or through email or social media. Enjoy the episode. Welcome to the virtual healing circle with me, jennifer Abel of BTG Wellness and LiveLifeUnbrokencom.

Jen Febel:

And tonight we are going to tackle one of my favorite topics I'm going to nerd out so hard with you guys. We're going to talk about the quantum field of potential and the infinite possibility that exists outside of us. I am, at my heart, a philosopher with a science nerd mind, and quantum theory bridges the gap between what philosophers have been talking about forever and what science is just beginning to unravel. When it comes to living in a world and working with energy and manifesting the life that we want. It's important to understand that these are not just concepts of wooey-wooey nonsense, that there's actual science to back it up and it can be found in the quantum field. Now, if I had the math skills, like I said, I 100% would have become a theoretical physicist, but alas, we're going to stick to the basics. I'm going to get a little sciency tonight.

Jen Febel:

So why is this important? Many of you have heard me say that you are an energetic being in an energetic universe, and when I say that, I'm not talking wooey, I'm not talking mystical, I'm talking literal. You are literally an energetic being in an energetic universe, and so knowing how energy works scientifically can be helpful when you start to judge yourself. This is important because knowing how energy moves in our universe helps unlock powers in yourself that you may not even know that you have when we are kept in the macro universe the conscious mind, a logical space of determinism of one thing has to happen in order for another thing to happen, we limit ourselves. So understanding that there is limitless possibility for us it's important, and this is important because without this information, it's going to make it harder to make the life that you want come to you. You're going to keep blocking yourself and you won't know why. So let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start For those of you who are into the sound of music. So when I say the quantum field of potential, what does the word quantum mean? So quantum is used in physics to talk about the smallest possible unit of any physical property. So it comes from the Latin word quantus, which means how much or how great.

Jen Febel:

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that deals with the very, very, very teeny, teeny, tiny what are called subatomic particles. We'll go into that in a moment. The whole point of quantum physics is to study the stuff of our universe at the most fundamental level. It aims to uncover the properties, the behaviors, the very building blocks of reality and existence to help solve some of our biggest problems. So before we get into the teeny, teeny, tiny quantum universe, let's first talk about the macro universe, and we have to start with matter.

Jen Febel:

So what is matter? Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass, so it's stuff. Everything that we know of as stuff is matter. Your desk is matter. Computer, you are matter. Anything that we know of in our world as real, it takes up any type of space and has any type of mass, is matter. Most of us learn in grade school that matter can exist in different states. You can have solid matter, you can have liquid, you can have gas and you can have plasma. If you boil a liquid, it will change into a gas, and if you then heat a gas it will form a plasma which is like a soupy mix of positively charged ions and negatively charged particles.

Jen Febel:

All of matter is made up of basic elements. Each one has very specific chemical and physical properties, and what makes an element an element is that it can't be broken down into other substances without going into the nuclear reaction level. Gold is an element. So if we go into matter, matter is made up of atoms. Atoms are the building block of matter. So your body is made up of atoms. It is actually said that a typical human of around 70 kilograms there's almost seven multiplied by 10 to the power of 27 atoms in our body. That's a seven followed by 27 zeros, or also saying 7 billion, billion, billion, not not. About two-thirds of our body is made up of hydrogen atoms, about a quarter is made up of oxygen and about a tenth is made up of carbon. So atoms are just the smallest units of an element, but it still retains the properties of that element when you take several atoms and you connect them together, you get a molecule. Molecules can have very distinct properties from the individual atoms, for example, water. Water is a molecule made up of oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

Jen Febel:

So when we are looking at how things behave in our world, if we're looking at how matter interacts with other matter, we're usually following the laws of physics that were outlined by Isaac Newton, things like the law of motion. So an object in motion will stay in motion, an object at rest will stay at rest. We can predict things with fairly good accuracy when we follow the laws of Newtonian physics. So classic Newtonian physics includes mechanics. It includes understanding length and width and height. It's about knowing that if ball A on a billiard table bangs into ball B on that billiard table, then I can predict, based on the angle and how they hit, I can predict where ball B is going to go. It's very deterministic. The laws of Newtonian physics apply to anything that has mass or anything that occupies space.

Jen Febel:

So matter, once you go into the teeny, teeny tiny, once you go into the subatomic layer of reality we'll talk about in a moment the laws of Newtonian physics don't apply anymore. So, whereas in my reality I know that if I went up to and I pushed you, you would move. That might not happen at the subatomic level. In traditional Newtonian physics it's very deterministic, meaning that I know what's going to happen. I can determine with certainty that if I push you you will fall over.

Jen Febel:

But in the quantum world we're dealing with probabilities. There is no certainty once you go beyond the level of the atom. So if you were to look into an atom, you would find that in the very, very center it has a nucleus which is made up of protons and neutrons, and then swimming around it are electrons. Now we used to think that weed like I'm a scientist they used to believe that electrons orbited around the nucleus, very much like planets orbit around the sun, kind of. They had their path and that was it. They then thought that they kind of existed in this great big cloud. What they are now determining is that electrons exist sort of floating around in what they call electronic orbitals, which are regions within an atom in which electrons have the highest probability, but not certainty, of being found. When an electron jumps to an outer orbital it uses energy, but if they jump to an inner orbital they give up energy. That energy that gets released as a tiny packet of light is called a photon.

Jen Febel:

A photon is a type of subatomic particle. It is light. Light is made up of photons, so it's just a tiny particle and that is what creates electromagnetic radiation. So there's little tiny electric fields traveling through space. What's interesting is, unlike the electron, which has a negative charge, or the proton, that has a positive charge, a photon has no charge at all. It's completely neutral. They have no mass, they don't really take up any space. They cannot be divided and the energy in stored as an oscillating electric field that can oscillate at almost any frequency, these little packets of energy can be transmitted over vast distances with zero decay in energy or in speed. So photons travel at the speed of light.

Jen Febel:

I was watching a really cool documentary probably on Netflix or Prime, probably the Discovery Channel, knowing me actually that said how all the photons, all the light that we perceive in our world, began in the very center of our sun, obviously, and that it takes I think they said something like 3 trillion or 3 billion or something years for a photon to make it from the center of the sun all the way out to just the outer edge of the sun before it then travels to us. So all the light that we know of in existence is old, but it doesn't decay, it doesn't slow down. Photons exist in a very pure form and unlike things on the macro level, where it's either a particle or it's a wave, so it's either like a marble or it's a wave in a bathtub. Photons can behave as both. In traditional Newtonian mechanics, particles and waves are very different entities. But in quantum physics, which is looking at that teeny tiny layer of reality, waves and particles are actually the same coin, but two different sides. The question is what determines when it's behaving as a particle and when it's behaving as a wave, which, by the way, is known as duality.

Jen Febel:

So one of the most famous experiments in physics is called the double slit experiment. Now, this is a really big concept to describe on a podcast format or in a circle format. So I'm going to do my very best and if you really want to figure this out and understand it, I highly recommend googling Dr Quantum. Dr Quantum is a little cartoon video that is part of a larger movie called what the Bleep Do we Know? This is a wonderful little. I think it's like an eight minute video cartoon that describes the double slit experiment beautifully with animation and all sorts of things, and I'm going to do my best to describe it to you tonight. So this experiment was first performed in 1801 by a British polymath meaning he had a lot of knowledge in a lot of different areas named Thomas Young. Thomas Young made a lot of notable contributions to feel the vision and light and solid mechanics and physiology and language and musical harmony. So he kind of dabbled and was an expert in a lot of these areas, who's apparently also instrumental in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs, specifically the Rosetta Stone, which I think is very interesting.

Jen Febel:

So in the double slit experiment, imagine first that you have a wall with two slits in it and imagine that you're going to take some tennis balls that you've dipped in red paint and you're going to throw it at the wall. Now some of these tennis balls are going to bounce off the wall, but some will travel through the slits. Now if there is another wall behind that first one, then the tennis balls that traveled through the slits are going to hit that second wall. And if you were to mark all the spots where the ball hit and see the paint, you'd probably see two strips, two marks on that back wall in roughly the same shape as the slits of the front wall. Now if we were to take a beam of light in a single color, so a single wavelength, and we shine it at the wall with the two slits, what we would see is what's called an interference pattern. So light travels in waves and when waves hit, if you were to ever look, if you've ever been boating, and you watch when water hits one of the boys in the water, it just splits and it creates two different waves. That, when they meet around the back, the waves will create this little pattern where some parts they'll interact and it'll create a larger wave, they'll magnify each other and other parts will cancel each other out.

Jen Febel:

Now back to the double slit experiment. If we were to shine a wave at these slits because it's a wave where they come out you would find that as the wave passes through the slits, it will essentially split into two new waves, each one spreading out from each of the slits, and where the waves interfere with each other and cancel each other out, it would create on that back wall what's known as the interference pattern, where it's a brighter strip in the middle and it gets faded as you go out. Now let's go quantum If you return. Imagine firing electrons at the wall with the two splits. But for a moment we're going to block off one of those slits. So you fire some electrons with your teeny, teeny, tiny little marble bits of matter and you're going to pass it through that open slit and it's going to strike that second wall just like the tennis balls did, and you're going to end up with a strip around the same shape as the slit on that back wall.

Jen Febel:

Here's where it gets weird. When Thomas Young did this experiment and opened up that second slit, you would expect if it created that pattern as if it was a tennis ball on the back wall, then you'd probably end up with two strips. But suddenly what happened was there was an interference pattern which indicates a wave. How could electrons behave? Like a particle on that first slit, but the second there was a second slit suddenly became a wave. Well, the Thomas Young couldn't figure it out. So he's like well, let's peek, let's put an instrument, some sort of detector, by the slits and we're going to somehow monitor which slit the electron passes through. Because one possibility that they came up with was that somehow the electrons are splitting off and going through both slits at the same time and then interfering with itself, hence causing the interference patterns. They decided to peek and see how that's happening. What's interesting is, once they started to observe what was happening, it went back to acting like a particle and they ended up with two patterns on the back wall, as if it was like the tennis balls. The mere act of observing the particles caused them to switch from behaving like a wave to suddenly behaving like a particle, and this is what's known as the observer effect.

Jen Febel:

The observer effect refers to a phenomenon where just the act of observation, the act of measuring, somehow affects the behavior of the system being observed. What physicists postulate is that all reality exists in one superposition to each other. So they actually, when they repeated the experiment, they decided that they were going to shoot one electron through at a time, so it couldn't interfere with itself, and it still created the interference pattern. And what they theorize is that the particle would one time will go through the left slit. The next time I go through the right one, it might split and go into both, or it might go through none that all of these possibilities existed in superposition to each other and the act of observing the particle collapsed that quantum wave of potential into a consistent actual reality. The observer effect says that the mere act of observing can alter its behavior. It challenges the classic notion of an objective reality. It means that there is no such thing as an objective reality, that your observation, your participation in the universe is important and creates it just as much as it creates you. This concept raised tons of questions that went way beyond the field of physics and out into the branches of philosophy. Because what is the role of consciousness and shaping our reality?

Jen Febel:

Quantum theories has revealed all sorts of weirdness that takes place at the micro, micro, quantum layer of reality. There's the concept of entanglement, which says that you can have two particles like electrons, and somehow they are entangled and when that happens their properties are linked together. So you can take one electron and keep it, let's say, here in Bradford with me, and take the other electron and put it on Pluto, and if I were to do something to the electron in front of me, the one on Pluto would react instantaneously in the exact same way. Einstein called this spooky action at a distance. They've since called it entanglement.

Jen Febel:

Superposition is a term used to describe an object as a combination of multiple possible states at the same time, that electron both went through the left and the right, and none and boastless at the same time. All those possibility existed in superposition to each other. The concept of uncertainty means that in the quantum world, there is no determinism, there is no ball A bangs into ball B and so I know what's going to happen. There's only endless possibility. So what does this all mean? Why should you care? It means that everything that can and ever will exist already exists in superposition to each other and an infinite quantum field of potential that is just waiting for you to pay attention to it and collapse that quantum wave. Because our bodies are made up of atoms, which are made up of protons and neutrons and electrons, because we are made up of light, we are interacting with this quantum field of potential, we are part of it, and that means that we are not irrelevant, that our interaction with it is what creates reality and that we can alter reality and we can shift what is real to us based on where we shift our attention and our focus. When you shift your intention, whatever you focus on is what collapses the quantum wave into your reality, which means you determine what your reality is. This is the matrix, neo, and you have a part to play that is way bigger than you can imagine, based on what we can see at very, very tiny levels.

Jen Febel:

Quantum jumping is a fun way to start to play with energy. This is a form of manifestation that allows you to change your focus. Technically, anything that gets you to change your focus to something that you want instead of what you don't want is a form of quantum jumping. It's a form of changing the collapsed wave. The way I do it in my one-on-one practice is through a technique called timeline therapy. Timeline therapy is a quantum process that allows you to change the quantum collapsed pattern in your life. It allows you to adjust your own state of consciousness so that you can notice new things in your world, because it's already there. The proof of your worthiness already there, your love ability already there, your success, your biggest wildest dreams already exist, and it's just waiting for you to notice it and collapse it into your life. So, using whatever technique you find, if you look up quantum jumping, there's all sorts of things that you can play with. The two-cup method of manifestation is fun. Those of you who've come to my Soulful Radiance retreats know that we played with that before as part of the Saturday night manifestation ceremony.

Jen Febel:

Anytime you imagine something, anytime you put your attention on something, every time you notice your fear, guess how that quantum wave collapses Every time you notice and pay attention and feed the little stories in your head. Guess how that quantum wave collapses Every time you tune into the part of you that knows the best parts of you. Every time you notice your light, guess how the quantum field shows up for you. Some key concepts remember. Remember that you are an energetic being in an energetic universe and inside the trillions and trillions and trillions of atoms that make up your body is an entire world of energy and light. Remember that in the world of energy, things can exist in two places at once. Everything's linked, everything's connected and all possibilities exist at the same time. And remember that the mere act of shifting your focus and intention can collapse that quantum wave and create an entire new reality for yourself.

Jen Febel:

And, as always, I want to remind you to decide. You want it more than you're afraid of it. Man, nothing scares us more than knowing that we have the power to change our life. Oh no, all my victim stories aren't going to work anymore. What my reality is what I've created for myself. Yuck and just decide you want it more than you're afraid of it, and that's always the decision that will take you to the next step and help you create the reality that you want. And, of course, if you have any questions about anything from tonight's Circle or podcast, please know you can always reach out to me through either of my websites, either BTGwellnesscom or LivelifeUnbrokencom, or through email or through social media.

Speaker 2:

I'm kind of curious because when we're playing with content, jumping or manifesting, you know, just kind of thinking ourselves into the reality that we're wanting I've always kind of like I feel like I like aligning with emotions makes sense to me and I can kind of access that. I'm like I say what does that feel like? What do I think it feels like, and try to access that emotion more and more. But then I've also heard things like if you get too specific, I'm like I kind of don't know when. Like when do I get too specific and how long do I play with that? And sometimes I feel like I want to manifest this, this, this, this.

Jen Febel:

So I just like how do I get started and if you can touch on that, so the key to manifestation, so the reason manifestation works through our emotions is because energy in motion is emotion.

Jen Febel:

So when our energy in our bodies flowing differently, it changes how energy flows around us and therefore the energy in us can change the energy around us. That's kind of how we interact. So our emotions are the conduit, they're the bridge between what's going on in us and the outside world. The key to bringing something to us that's currently in the quantum field of potential is we need to get our vibration as a match to it, which means we don't want to be in the vibration of it will happen. We don't want to be in the vibration of. This is what I want, which is really the vibration of a lack of what I want, and we want to get in the vibration of. I already have this now. So, for example, if I wanted to manifest money everyone likes to manifest money who doesn't want money? So if I wanted to manifest money, I want to focus on all the ways. I already know I have money and abundance in my life. I don't want to focus on this. Okay, so it's five years from now and I'm driving a Ferrari. No, not a Ferrari, I don't want a Ferrari, let's not put that out there. I want a 67 Thunderbird in Robin Egg blue. That's what I would spend my money on. So I don't want to put myself in the future in that, because that's putting the energy as a future thing. You want the energy of how do I know right now, in this moment, that I'm abundant, that I have money? Well, I know I have money because I have a roof over my head, because I have comforts around me. So you want to focus on the energy and the emotion of actually having it, which means you have to focus on the fact that you already have it. If you want health, you have to focus on how you already have health in your life, which, if you're struggling with not health, is a challenge, but when we focus on the not health, guess how that quantum wave collapses. So you want to get yourself into the energy as if you already have it and focus on not how will it feel to be abundant or how will it feel to have this goal, but how does it feel to know I already have little pieces of this already in my life. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, awesome question.

Jen Febel:

That's really the key to everything we want to get our energy, which is our emotions, into the same space of where we want to be, without putting it outside of us or out into the future. We need to notice what's already around us. If you want love, notice all the places you have love in your life. If you want connection, notice all the places you have connection in your life. If you want safety, notice all the ways you already have safety in your life. Get yourself into the endless, infinite possibility that already exists in you, because we're also light. Tap into the part of it that's a vibrational match to what you want and it acts as if you already have it emotionally. Feel all the ways you already have this thing in your life and that's what changes vibration to the match. Yeah, easier said than done. Yeah, easy concept, easy concept.

Jen Febel:

And when life is lifey, the fields are feely and the debt is piling up, it can be hard to collapse that quantum field into the potential that we want. We're all talking the same thing. Quantum mechanics is describing what philosophers and energy workers have been saying for years, but now we have the science to back it up. Now, not that we needed the backup, but this part of our brains, the conscious mind wants the backup. This is a true integration. We're coming back full circle.

Jen Febel:

The philosophers played on. Socrates explored the duality of the mind's body connection and now, in the quantum field, we are exploring this in terms of consciousness and quantum computing and artificial intelligence. We have given birth to an intelligence as a race and we don't know what to do with that power. And we're learning as we go, as maybe the one who created us is as well. So, yeah, it's, it is a big, cool concept and I can like nerd out about it all day. And when we take it into the practical, yeah, the more I notice the what I want. That's what will be reflected back to me, but it has to be authentic.

Jen Febel:

You can't be sitting there with bills piling up broke and like the roof leaking and tell yourself I feel abundant. You have to find the little moments that already exist, and sometimes it can be hard. It can be hard. Our language is a huge part of how we collapse that quantum field of potential. Our language very much determines what information we pick up on the story we tell ourselves and therefore what our emotional state is. When we can, it's hard to shift your emotional state. When you're feeling like garbage. Get yourself into abundance harder possible, but harder. When you use your language as a bridge, it can open up space for you to notice things that you couldn't notice before, and, since your language impacts your emotions, you can bypass the emotional part and use your language to access it, versus trying to do it from within the emotion. This is why I'm a huge, huge, huge, huge fan of doing the eight day training, because it teaches people how to use language, so it's not so damn hard to change how you feel.

Speaker 3:

If you're working on manifesting something, you say, do it present, but yet not to lie. So say, for example, I am very, very grateful. Say, if we talk about health, I am very grateful for the health that I do have. However, I have challenges that I can't sit and say, well, I want to be healthier, right. So my goal, I want to manifest better health and do different things to sort of help create that or bring that to be. But so if you say, though, don't make it the future, even if I say I'm healing, to be in a constant state of healing, doesn't that sort of project a little bit towards the future?

Jen Febel:

So how often do you focus on the health that you're grateful for, and how often do you focus on the health that hasn't shown up for you yet?

Speaker 3:

I don't know what the percentage is.

Jen Febel:

If you were to know.

Speaker 3:

It's maybe 60-40.

Jen Febel:

Okay 60% focusing on the health or 60% focusing on the.

Speaker 3:

Not there yet with the health 60% on the health it is and grateful, and what I can do. What's not there. Yet comes when I'm trying to do something and can't, or it hurts or yeah, yeah, it's like, oh, you know, I really wish, and so I will imagine myself being healthier and what it will be like when I'm healthier.

Jen Febel:

Right, which is the one that puts it in the future, right, right, and so if it's constantly in the future, it's constantly the future, so it and you never get to it, it's never actually there. So I will tell you that about probably seven or eight years ago now, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. You will never hear me say I have endometriosis. You will always hear me say I was diagnosed with it or I have a diagnosis of it or I'm healing through it. Does that make the symptoms go away? No, I have a paramedic and causes a bitch and creates hormone problems and endometriosis symptoms are still there. Does it allow me to see possibilities that I couldn't see if I use different language with myself, if I didn't focus on the options? Yeah, this is about creating new possibilities. This is not about I'm going to imagine myself into Superman, because there's physical reality, the macro matters, and a diagnosis is there. You can't be like, okay, someone lost their leg and they're going to imagine themselves having a leg and it's going to grow.

Jen Febel:

There are some really weird phenomenon that have been documented over the years. The thing is so, when those things happen, the key is that person 100% of the time, which requires a level of dedication and meditation that most of us in this society don't have access to. They would have had to spend 100% of their time focusing on the fact they have beautiful mobility and that they're able to walk and go wherever they want to go. It's unrealistic because pain pulls us out of that. Yes, there's the infinite field of potential and we also have human neurology and nerve endings that hurt and suck sometimes and that will pull us out of that space.

Jen Febel:

The idea of being in a constant state of healing that's being human. That's really what humans are. We're in a constant state of healing. Now you could either collapse the quantum wave, that we're in a constant state of decaying, which some would say is also true. I like to focus on we're in a constant state of healing that at any point, we can still choose healing. Even when our body isn't working how we want it to work, we can still use our energy to see possibilities in that field of potential from where we're at. That we couldn't see if we kept ourselves in that 40% pain more often.

Speaker 3:

But does that help though? Seeing that you're in the process and knowing that the potential is there, does that help to manifest it and create that reality?

Jen Febel:

So it helps manifest possibilities that you still have to take action on and meet the universe halfway. So saying that I want to manifest abundance doesn't mean that Eddie McMahon is going to magically show up with a check. It means that I might get a post on my Facebook feed about a job opportunity at the local community center. It might mean that a friend calls me and says, hey, we just lost someone at work. Can you fill in for a shift? And then I have to take action and do those things. So it's not about manifesting the perfection. That's the controlling part of our ego trying to make it happen the way we needed to happen, and we honor that. And it's about attuning your neurology to be able to notice as much of that quantum field of potential that positively impacts you as you can. So in that quantum field of potential is your highest potential of health, based on your human neurology.

Jen Febel:

We have cells. We are made of matter. Remember that matter still follows the laws of Newtonian physics, and so we do have some determinism. That's the duality of who we are. So, yes, we are light beings, but we are also condensed light beings, which is matter. So we exist in a solid state and therefore, if you push me, I will fall over. I can't be like well, if you push me, then I might choose to, within this field of possibility, not fall over because I'm a quantum being. Yeah, you push me, I'm going to fall over. So there's the duality of it. We are duality beings, so we are made of light and we're also made of solid matter. We have an infinite part of us and we also have a limited part of us. We have a part of us that will go on forever and that can't die, and we have a part of us that will.

Jen Febel:

So manifestation is not about denying our reality. It's not about trying to bibbidi-bobbidi-boo ourselves into what our ego needs to feel comfortable. It's about using the field of potential to be more at peace with who you are and where you are and to collapse the quantum field of potential towards the feeling of peace with that, versus a constant striving to be different because I'm broken and so I have to be fixed. It's that mentality that often gets in our way and collapses the quantum field into that reality. The reality of I am expansive and even if my body is limited, I am still expansive, is what we're aiming for, not I'm expansive and I'm going to go run a marathon because my body has been trained and I promise you, on the physical layer of reality, this energetic being ain't runnin' Right.

Jen Febel:

So there is limitations of physical matter, there is limitations of our body and we can manifest a reality that still allows us to be expansive and worthy and lovable and enough, and all layers, even when our bodies are being pests. So we want to use it for that. So it's often that we're trying to use the concept in a way that tries to go beyond physical reality. Remember, the elements are elemental. You can't turn gold into oxygen and our world is made up of elements and these elements do follow the laws of physics that are not always on the quantum level. So it's that duality of it. We exist on both the macro and the micro.

Speaker 4:

Where does the quantum field of potential play into soul elevation? Because your soul is always. Its goal is to elevate and to learn from this life. So if we're talking the quantum field of potential, that is more on a physical level. Right, but no matter how much we wish for something, if our soul is not sort of in synchronicity with the quantum field of potential, it may not manifest in this lifetime. We may have to take those lessons to another lifetime in a different physical being. Right, it's, I know it's a bit bigger than the quantum fields of physics, but in a spiritual level, because we are spirits in a body, we are lights, we are lights. So that quantum physics, quantum field of potential, how do you feel that it affects our spiritual being?

Jen Febel:

So if inside of us are all these atoms and inside these atoms are neutrons and protons with electrons, and inside that is light and little photons. And if we are made up of light, then inside of us is infinite light harbored within a physical vessel. So when we talk about the soul, we're often talking about that part of us that is infinite, that goes on, that can't be divided, that's a photon that cannot be stopped, that is goes beyond and that reincarnates in different ways. And so the idea that I'm going to continue in a different lifetime and at some point I'll stop having lifetimes. No, it's a mirror that keeps on reflecting infinitely and that light goes on infinitely. And for a temporary amount of time that light inhabited the center of our sun and for a temporary amount of time that light inhabits my body and for a temporary amount of time it might inhabit something else.

Jen Febel:

And since light and these subatomic particles are privy to quantum mechanics, such as they can exist in two places at the same time and are linked together, and since time is a concept that really we base on the movement of celestial objects in relation to our specific planet, then perhaps all things in reality do exist and those past lives are happening now simultaneously, and all permutations of who you are, all versions, are existing in a reality at this exact moment in time, and that this reality that you're experiencing is only because this is how your specific neurology in this moment collapsed the wave, but a different mouse collapsing it differently and a different one's collapsing it differently. So it can. And now? Is there proof of this? No, it's theoretical. Physicists right, it's the contemplation of reality, which is, by definition, unknowable to us, because there is a lot of matter in this world that does not reflect light and so we don't even know it exists. There is so much that our instruments can't even pick up.

Speaker 4:

But I think there's a knowing within us that there is more than just us happening at this moment. Right, we know things from previous lives, or we know that our souls have met the souls that are in this room before, without really having any of those true quantifiable data to reflect it. It's just a knowing and it's hard to sell something on. I know this is real because I feel it. I feel it as much as I feel sad, I feel as much as I feel happy that I know that there's this quantum infinity of everything, right. But yeah, I just was curious on your thoughts on that.

Jen Febel:

So if we go with the idea that, since everything exists in superposition to each other, then all realities exist at this moment and that this is just how this specific packet of light I mean it's trillions of packets of light, but let's simplify it packet of light has chosen to have an experience at this moment. And it's not that we feel past lives, it's that we feel connected to all that is happening, because that's spooky action at a distance, it's entanglement. So I feel, not because it was a past life of mine, but because it's happening in the present, because all things happen in the present. So if all things are happening at the same time, I'm not remembering or feeling a past trauma somewhere. A version of my light is experiencing that at the same moment that I'm experiencing it. We're probably experiencing it together because of that entanglement.

Jen Febel:

So will we ever know? No Actual reality. What is actually real is unknowable to us, even if we get to the very. I mean, we used to think atoms were the smallest things and now we've gone and it's like 12 or something, subatomic particles like the Boson, higgs. There is quark up and quark down and oh pfft, way beyond my scope of understanding. But there are so many layers and that's just the micro. We don't even know the macro level, and it all seems to be a reflection of each other that goes on infinitely. It's like the number pi it never stops. When does the number pi end? It doesn't. When does our light end? It doesn't. But all numbers and pi exist at the same time.

Speaker 3:

I've been thinking about that, but it also makes me think. One of the questions that comes up for me is that sometimes I feel threatened, for whatever reason. There's nothing tangible I can't say well, this person said this or did this. They're energy makes me feel threatened and I want to protect myself. So if I need to protect myself from a person or their energy, isn't that separating myself from the whole and that can't be good? So how do you heal energetically and protect yourself energetically from parts of what you're connected to? That's unsafe.

Jen Febel:

So what you're talking about is our conditioning, how our human physical neurology, our actual brain, has been shaped by our environment. If we grew up in a certain environment, certain types of people will feel unsafe for us because that's the memory that our body encoded as our brain developed in other situations. So that's actual psychological conditioning and that will impact how we respond, for example, like your attachment style. If growing up it was unsafe to show vulnerability, then your neurology, your actual biology, your brain structure, the neurons, the actual physical matter that makes you, you adjusted itself to fit into a reality, to keep yourself safe in that moment, and then when we go out of that situation, we will now recognize mirrors of that same situation that will bring up stuff in us for healing. We call that triggers, and our job as a being of light in a human experience is to know how to bridge the gap between that which is our emotional self and our psychology, and our environment impacts that. And so, in order to be able to heal that, what you're talking about is emotional healing and reversing some conditioning.

Jen Febel:

It's about getting deep and dark with your shit and I'll tell you, it requires a guide I'm currently working with well, I always work off and on with my coach, but we're currently working through some big stuff with myself that my response in the world, if I suspect that I'm being dismissed in any way, shape or form or that my thoughts are irrelevant, I go instantly into hurt, instantly into hurt and I will wanna withdraw and pull away.

Jen Febel:

Now, with the average person doesn't matter. But in a close relationship it gets messy because we hurt each other, because we're human and we all suck a bunch of times. So it is my job to not learn that I'm being triggered and that I'm in pain, but to learn how to stop being triggered and how to heal that pain, which often acquires some guidance because from our own, within the lens of our own conditioning, it will feel real and as a being of light. There is no other person who can threaten your energy. That's the story we tell ourselves. That's on the psychological, emotional level of reality that we need to do the healing.

Speaker 3:

But so what is the? I mean, I understand that and I'm fairly aware I think, oh, that's triggering me because of this, this, this. I'm fairly good at that, but there are times when it's not because anybody's looking at me or talking to me or whatever, just energy that I can feel.

Jen Febel:

So the basic structure of light is a photon. Photons are neutral. They don't have an electrical charge as positive or negative. So the idea that you could be even feeling a negative energy is contrary to the concept of a neutral particle. What you're feeling is the conditioning that your neurology is picking up on. That is usually out of our awareness, so we will think it's real.

Speaker 4:

Now in the energy world.

Jen Febel:

They will tell you that there are energy vampires who are trying to steal energy from you and that there are evil people who are out to get ya and that their energy can impact you and you gotta protect yourself. And yeah, yeah, but not because their energy is inherently bad, but because their energy interacting with our energy makes my mental realm go whoa, because of my conditioning, from whatever, whatever my body coded at whatever time is making those neural pathways act more strongly than other neural pathways, and even if I logically know that it's because of my mother, and blah, blah, blah, blah, I'm still doing that. I'm still doing that Working on attachment styles some of the deepest work it can do emotionally and psychologically, in my opinion, because it's your definition of love. And since love is light and we are love and light, then learning how to change what love means for you changes what your light means for you in the world as well, and it is hard work, I'll tell ya, because it is deeply ingrained. It's some of our oldest neural pathways. As a human, we learn immediately what love and connection means from our caregivers immediately, and it becomes solidified in our neurology within the first five years of our existence. And then we carry around that five year old neurology into our 30s and 40s and 50s and we start to label it as oh, it's bad energy, oh, it's because of this, oh it's because of that which keeps us the victim of other people. Fuck that.

Jen Febel:

What's the point of tapping into an infinite field of potential to be the victim of other people's energy? The whole thing is is it in your head? Yes, is that real? Yes, there is no objective reality. There is only our observation, our interaction with it. And if I have been taught in the past that this expression on someone's face equals I'm gonna get hurt or punished at some point, then that energy is going to impact me.

Jen Febel:

I need to learn how to see the world through the neutral frame that light is. Because it's neutral, I wanna manifest something in the physical, but then my thoughts in my brain get in the way because that's what it does, and then my emotions have to line up with it, which is hard when life is happening. So the more we can learn those tools to bridge the gap, literally by jam. That's kind of the whole point of life is to learn how to bridge the gap, because when that infinite field of potential hits our human neurology, it goes a skew, bounces off of all sorts of stupid shit that we got installed in our brain from our parents and our friends and our family and our religious leaders and our politicians and the world, and so that pure beam of light gets fractionated out all over the place and we start to feel that way. So our job is to learn how to realign all the mirrors of ourselves that we have a straight beam.

Jen Febel:

Thank you again for joining me for this episode of the BTG Podcast, which stands for Bridge the Gap With Jen ,Febel, , remember. If you want to experience my virtual healing circles in real time, visit wwwbtgwellnesscom, slash circle. And, of course, if you have any questions at any time, please know you're always welcome to reach out to me through social media or through my websites at BTGwellnesscom or through my coaching website, livelifeunbrokencom. Thanks again and I'll see you next time.

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