
Jennifer Febel

“You are not broken.” This has become Jennifer's personal and professional mantra and is one that she intends to spread to as many people as possible. 


As a Mentor, Coach and Motivational Speaker, Jennifer offers alternative support for anyone suffering from feelings of depression, overwhelm, anxiety or hopelessness who isn’t finding the healing they want through traditional mental health services and are tired of the emotional rollercoaster. 


So who is Jen? She is someone who has walked the path of brokenness and lived to tell the story. She is someone who has experienced a dark night of the soul and lived there for over 13 years. She is someone who has been told, over and over again, that she was broken.  And yet here she is. Stronger than before. Unbroken. 


Jennifer candidly shares her story in the hopes of inspiring others to know that no one is broken; everyone can heal."